New Mozart piano music discovered

The International Mozarteum Foundation in Salzburg announced Thursday that it had discovered two previously unknown compositions written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

For the second time in two years, the International Mozarteum Foundation has announced the discovery of previously unknown music by Mozart.

A pianist will perform the composition Aug. 2 in a Salzburg house where the composer once resided, EarthTimes reported.

The foundation did not reveal any details of the find.

A single sheet of a Mozart work was found in September of last year in a library in Nantes, France, where it had lain unnoticed for more than 100 years.

“It’s a melody sketch, so what’s missing is the harmony and the instrumentation, but you can make sense out of it,” foundation researcher Ulrich Leisinger told the CBC.

Mozart, who lived only to be 35, published more than 600 pieces, including concertos, symphonies and operas.


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