Things You Never Knew About the Moonwalk, Neil Armstrong

Commander Neil Armstrong's words defined our history. His historic first step onto the moon in 1969 truly was "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Even his name is larger than life. "That's one small step for a man...." said Neil Armstrong -- but depending on whom you ask, they may not have been the first words spoken from the moon. Share A Hollywood restoration company makes the first moonwalk footage clearer. They weren't? Armstrong's crewmate, Buzz Aldrin, sometimes claims that he got in the first line. Six hours earlier, as the Apollo 11 Lunar Module Eagle touched down, it was Aldrin who called out, "Contact light." If the subject is Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon tends to turn churlish. He will defer, deflect or refuse to answer. When his little home town of Wapakoneta, Ohio, sought to honor him with a parade on the 25th anniversary of his moonwalk, Armstrong sent his regrets. He once pleaded to ...