Denis Leary sign for latest ad for hulu.

Ever since Hulu's incredibly funny first advertisement starring Alec Baldwin (it premiered during the Super Bowl back in early February), I've been salivating for more.

If you pay any attention to what Baldwin says during the ad, apparently salivating is all I know how to do know since my brain is mush. It's true though - my brain is mush. I've blown through the entire first season of Friday Night Lights in about two and half days thanks to Hulu. Anyway, after the Baldwin ad, Hulu followed up with a mediocre second try featuring Eliza Dushku rallying for Dollhouse more than Hulu. The third attempt with Seth MacFarlane trumped them all though as he went through his entire catalogue of Family Guy voices to pitch the online video service.

To kick off May, Hulu just released the fourth ad in the campaign and Rescue Me fans are gonna be happy with this one. It features Denis Leary talking faster than he did on his No Cure for Cancer album, so try and keep up with him. Enjoy!


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